Special offers
Unique Experiences
Special Offers at Monte do Malhão
Discover irresistible promotions and experience the true essence of the Algarve with exclusive stays and enchanting experiences.
Romantic Package
Ignite the flame of romance with our Romantic Bundle. Select a stay of 2 or more nights between Sunday and Thursday and choose the "Romantic Package" rate. Included:
- 10% discount
- Suite with private jacuzzi
- Romantic atmosphere with candles
- A bottle of wine
- Chocolates
Available for Deluxe Suites with Jacuzzi and Queen Deluxe Suites with Jacuzzi
- 10% discount
- Suite with private jacuzzi
- Romantic atmosphere with candles
- A bottle of wine
- Chocolates
Available for Deluxe Suites with Jacuzzi and Queen Deluxe Suites with Jacuzzi
Go to the reservations page, select a stay of 2 or more nights between Sunday and Thursday and choose the "Romantic Package" rate.
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10% Discount (Week Days)
Enjoy a 10% discount on stays with check-in between Sunday and Thursday and check-out by Friday. Available for all typologies, all year round.
Go to the reservations page, select a stay with check-in between Sunday and Thursday, and choose the "10% discount" rate.
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10% Discount (5+ Nights)
Enjoy a 10% discount on stays between 1st November and 31st May, for bookings of 5 nights or more. Available for all typologies
Go to the booking page, select a stay of 5 nights or more between 1 November and 31 May and choose the "10% discount" rate.
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10% discount (until July 31th)
Enjoy a 10% discount on stays until July 31th (minimum stay 2 nights)
Go to the booking page, select a stay of 2 or more nights until 31th and select the "10% discount" rate
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